Schrödinger’s cat, Mu, has been captured by evil Dr. X and imprisoned in a Quantum trap. A timer is set to end the days of the feline pet by lethal electrocution.
Set the cat free by moving the falling blocks and matching at least three particles of the same type, horizontally or vertically. You can determine either the elements or the orientation of a block, but not both – these two properties are complementary to each other.
If the time runs out, the cat becomes a superposition between being alive and dead. You may still have a chance of saving her, but there is no way of knowing if you were too late; you can only know the probability of her feline heart being still beating.
The clock is ticking!
Story and design: Mikko Tukiainen, Irina Levina
Programming: Anna ‘Simoroshka’ Kruglaia, Nicola Bagala
Graphics and media: Irina Levina
Physics consultant: Mikko Tukiainen
Here is the link to a proper video: