Wave Particle Duality Simulator 2015

Wave Particle Duality Simulator 2015 is an arcade style game that uses a couple of quantum mechanics for it’s gameplay. The gameplay is inspired by Pong and Breakout but applies those concepts to quantum physics. The player is in control of a paddle which can shoot a particle. The particle does not move in a straight line, instead it moves in a sine wave style motion. Furthermore, the motion is randomized each time the ball is shot.


The goal of the game is to gain points by getting the particle passed 2 barriers and hitting the red wall on the left side of the screen. The player must continue to hit the red wall and catch the particle in order to get more points. If the player misses the particle when it returns, the game is over.


Move paddle with UP and DOWN arrows (W and S)
Shoot particle by Left Mouse Button Click.


Programming by Micah McMurray
Graphics by Mercurius FM (Bo Eleftheriou)
Music by Mercurius FM
Game Design by Mercurius FM, Micah McMurrary, and Melissa E.

Made with Unity Personal Edition.

Tempe - Wave Particle Duality Sim 2015

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