Jamming Location: The University of Advancing Technology
Address: 2625 W. Baseline Road, Tempe, Arizona 85283
Opening Hours: 24h access
Capacity: 150
Participation fee: Free of charge
Event Language: English
Quantum Physicists at the location: TBA
Provided Technology: Open computers with multiple engines and a variety of software for game development.
Internet Connection: Yes
Group Forming: Come with a team or by yourself! We will be forming teams after the initial presentation.
Sponsored meals: There will be snacks and drinks provided
Local Sponsors: Game CoLab, Intel, The University of Advancing Technology
Organizer(s): Joe Keigher, Ben Reichart
Contact Information: jkeigh10@gmail.com
Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/quantum-game-jame-2015-tickets-18194479177