Hello everyone!
Awake from the pandemia melancholia – It’s Pride Game Jam time! Pride Game Jam HKI is a three day game jam that celebrates LGBTQ+ people by creating a safe space for expressing one’s gender, sexual and romantic experience through art, music and of course games!
The event is part of Helsinki Pride Week 2020, and is organized by Finnish Game Jam Ry in partnership with Helsinki Pride Ry. Helsinki Pride Week is traditionally held in June, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic it will be held in September and therefore, so will Pride Game Jam HKI.
We’ve been planning it for a while and now it’s finally here — Pride Game Jam HKI. Join us to celebrate all colours of the rainbow at Arcade5 or remotely online!
Tickets are already available! Go to Eventbrite already now! And don’t forget to share the Facebook event with friends!
If you have questions about the jam feel free to contact us! pridegamejamhelsinki@gmail.com
See you at the Jam!