JamJam 2025 is coming!

🦄 For many, JamJam is the highlight of the summer – and its workshops and talks play a huge role in making it unforgettable. Apply to be a speaker or workshop host at JamJam 2025 and share this experience!

Not sure what to talk about? In the past, we’ve had talks and workshops on:
🎮 Jam initiatives and jamming experiences
🕹️ Game-making in all its forms and aspects
🎨 Crafting — cross-stitch, pinecone cows, pancakes with, you guessed it, jam!
🎶 Music — DJing, post-rock, retro sound, rap, and more
🗣️ And even a workshop on… workshops!

If you have a passion to share, we’d love to hear it at JamJam 2025!

Fill out a form to apply!

Happy New Year!

We hope your 2024 was fruitful and Christmas holidays were warm and bright! And we wish you all your 2025 to be filled with inspiration and creative sparks. Happy New Year!

Here’s our highlights of 2024:

FGJ organized 10 game jams, meaning we were jamming together almost every month!

🦉Crossing Latitudes Jam
1️⃣1-Hour Game Jam
🏳️‍🌈Pride Game Jam
💻ASM Game Jam
🌲ProtoKoli Jam
0️⃣0-Hour Game Jam
⚛️Quantum Game Jam
🎓Finnish College Game Jam
🧑‍🎓International College Jam.

Altogether over 400 games have been created by approximately 2000 participants!

Our activity in 2024 was not limited to game jams, though. Finnish Game Jam sponsored two industry events, namely Taitaja Mästare and XAMK Game Track, where we also presented our traditional honorable awards.

And, just as we honor the outstanding games, we also traditionally recognize the most impactful efforts of our members throughout the year. In 2024 Laura Piispanen was named the Jampion of 2024 for her incredible contribution to the organization anf the Quantum Game Jam, and Teemu Kokkonen was named the Jamtivist of 2024 for his all-year-round (and beyond!) active participation in virtually all major events, taking on responsible roles throughout.

Game jams have been a subject for research held by our founder and Legacy and Vision board member Annakaisa Kultima, and some game jam stories have been presented at the GDC conference! Check the talk on GDC Vault.

We held JamJam, our traditional summer festival aimed at game jams brainstorming, networking, and fun, where a new concept for a jam in the wilderness was born. Without further ado this concept was realized under the name of ProtoKoli, a game jam held in Koli cabins, with creativity boosted by the fresh air, hot sauna, and endless greenery.

And finally, by the end of the year, we welcomed several new members who have already demonstrated fresh ideas, enthusiasm, and a strong willingness to take on new challenges!

Let’s make 2025 even better, together!

Call for sponsors for #FGJ25

💯 Finnish Game Jam is a non-commercial organization fueled by the passion and dedication of its members and volunteers to the game development community. We maintain one of the most vibrant and inclusive game jam networks in the world, connecting thousands of creative minds and uniting Finnish Global Game Jam sites under one umbrella. Organizing an event of this scale — spanning dozens of sites and bringing together over 1,000 participants — is no small feat. Your sponsorship can make all the difference in helping us continue this incredible tradition of creativity, collaboration, and innovation.

💥 Why Partner with Us?
🗨️ Unmatched Reach: In 2024, the Finnish region of the Global Game Jam alone gathered more sites and participants than all other Nordic countries combined!
🗨️ Proven Impact: Finland ranks #1 globally in games created per capita during the Global Game Jam, showcasing the immense talent we foster.
🗨️ Tailored Opportunities: We offer flexible sponsorship options that align with your goals – discuss your needs today with Eddie Reyes!

💥 What’s in It for You? By sponsoring Finnish Game Jam, your organization will:
🗨️ Amplify Your Brand: Gain visibility among thousands of passionate creators, industry professionals, and gamers. Showcase Your Values:
🗨️ Demonstrate your commitment to supporting creativity, inclusivity, and community-driven initiatives.
🗨️ Become an invaluable part of this celebration of creativity and game development. Contact Eddie Reyes for more information on how your support can drive positive change, for more information on tiers or discuss your custom package with him!

Zero Hour Game Jam – Small Jam, Big Results

Our traditional gimmick 0-hour game jam was held last weekend during the daylight saving transition hour. Making a game in zero hours sounds impossible at first, but caffeine-fueled jammers have once again proved that it is indeed possible, especially with very relaxed rules (1 hour of actual development plus extra time for uploading and making an optional video).
Altogether, 8 games have been uploaded to the jam’s itch page (some of these heroes worked solo!): Play Zero Hour Jam games

Game jams are amazing for boosting confidence in working on a tight schedule, and the Zero Hour Jam is the ultimate test, with high reward and zero risk. Join our Zero Hour Game Jam next year, or keep an eye on future posts—we are planning more jams SOON!

Helsinki Games Week 2024

Finland is well-known for it’s game industry scene, encompassing both indie and AAA-developeres, multiple universities teaching gamedev and game design, and of course, non-commercial organisations, such as Finnish Game Jam ry, IGDA Finland ry, W Love Games ry, and others. All organisations have goals and purposes of their own, however they all are working towards information sharing, networking, and collaboration. Helsinki Games Week 2024 has been a great collective effort to acheive this.

IGDA Leadership Day, Pocket Gamer Connects, and We Love Games Conference had something to cater to all tastes and interests. Multitude of game demos to have fun with and help developers with feedback, endless opportunities for networking with industry professionals, mentorship cafes, chat corners, panel discussions, speeches, and workshops. All these events have been packed into an unforgettable week-long event.

Special thanks to Casimir Kuusela for the IGDA Leadership Day and W Love Games Conference photographs, and Solip Park for the Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki photographs.

IGDA Leadership Day

Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki

W Love Games Conference

Jam Jam 2024 is coming! Tickets are on sale NOW!

🦄 What is Jam Jam?
Jam Jam is a yearly gathering for game jam organizers, jammers, and game enthusiasts. Originally it has been organized for everyone interested in learning, discussing and sharing ideas on game jams (and this purpose remains), but during the years of Jam Jams happening its entertainment program has extended into a full weekend festival and retreat for everybody who loves games.

🌟 What Jam Jam can offer you if you are:
– a jam organizer: talks on game jams and jam games, tons of experience from fellow organizers to absorb;
– a jammer: opportunity to connect to other jammers, show off your jam project, talk about your experience;
– a game enthusiast: participate in or organize your own workshops and talks, bring your favorite board game, meet like-minded people, and so much more!

☑️ What the standard ticket includes:
– entertainment program with talks and workshops about music, crafts, well-being, game jams, and more
– accommodation for 2 nights and food! (breakfast supplies, served lunch, barbeque dinner – all including vegan options)
– sauna and hot bathtub
– beautiful scenery in a cottage village in the middle of the Finnish forest on top of the Sappeenvuori mountain
Keep an eye on our socials for more information!  

Tickets: purchase here

Workshop and speaker applications: apply here

Finnish Game Jam Stories – Story Gathering

What kind of game jam experiences do you have?

Did you organize a game jam yourself? How was it? How many jammers participated in the jam, what were the highlights?

Or maybe you experienced something surprising or exciting at a game jam somewhere? Did you make new friends? Jammed with your child? Brought your dog to the jamming site? Made an interesting game project? Fooled around in a creative way?

Submit your story to this story collection with a photo or without. The stories submitted before the 4th February 2024 and written in English will be considered to be published as part of the Finnish Game Jam Stories book. All the stories will be archived to the archive of the Finnish Museum of Games.
Share your story

Register to jam with us at Finnish Game Jam 2024!

The Finnish Game Jam 2024 jammer registrations are open! Mark your calendars for 26-28 January 2024 and visit finnishgamejam.eventbrite.fi to get your free tickets. If you do not see a site you’d like to register with just yet, keep an eye out – more sites are still coming!

And if you would like to register your own site, check out globalgamejam.org!

If you have any questions about a specific site, please use the contact info mentioned on each site’s Eventbrite page. For more general inquiries, you can use finnishgamejam@gmail.com.

Finnish Game Jam 2023

#FGJ23 is a 48-hour-long game development event organized as a part of the Global Game Jam. In 2023, FGJ#23 and the Global Game Jam are organized between the 3rd and the 5th of February. With various different #FGJ23 online locations, Finland is celebrating the 14th Global Game Jam in 2023! We will soon update this page with more information on #FGJ23. To hear the latest updates, follow this page and our other channels:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/FinnishGameJam
Twitter: https://twitter.com/finnishgamejam
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/FinnishGameJam
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/finnishgamejam
Discord: https://discord.gg/5hMyXB3tyQ

How to join?

Participation requires registration through our Eventbrite page – each location has its own registration. All of the sites are different, contact your local organizer if you need more info.

What is a game jam?

A game jam brings together all types of game developers, amateurs, professionals, and students to innovate new games in a single weekend or a similarly short time span. Typically participants work in small teams, racing to produce as complete a game as possible with limited time and resources, but unlimited creativity.

What is a Global Game Jam?

Global Game Jam (GGJ) is the world’s largest game jam event taking place worldwide every January. In 2017, jammers in 700 locations in 95 countries created over 7000 games.

What is Finnish Game Jam and #FGJ23?

Finnish Game Jam ry (FGJ) is a registered association founded to organize game jam events in Finland. Our main event is an annual game development event and a part of the worldwide Global Game Jam (GGJ). This year’s event is called #FGJ23, and comprises several game jam locations organized all around Finland. In #FGJ17, we had 22 locations, 888 jammers and 222 games created in one weekend!