Finnish Game Jam ry welcomes the new board

On Thursday, May 16th, the Finnish Game Jam ry board members attended the Finnish Game Awards 2024 gala. As is tradition, the FGJ president, Teemu Kokkonen, awarded the Jampion of the Year award, this time to Laura Piispanen.

Teemu Kokkonen has also announced his retirement from the position as president. Teemu has held this function since 2020, and during his tenure, the FGJ organization has grown in numbers – despite the difficult challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. FGJ thanks Teemu for his service as president, especially as most of the current board members have joined thanks to him.

The new president of Finnish Game Jam ry is Jani Gröhn. Additionally the board also has a new vice president, Ren – . Finally, Irina Kekman joins the board, and was chosen for the new role of FGJ publicist.
Teemu Kokkonen remains on the board as a deputy member.

All FGJ board members, active and deputies likewise, are committed to and actively working towards making FGJ a safe community for all, and aim to ensure all of FGJ events are a safe space for everyone attending.