If you want to host a workshop or a talk, please fill in the application form.

Jamjam Post-rock/Shoegaze workshop
Post-rock/shoegaze workshop, where we will explore the ethereal soundscapes of these two captivating genres.
If you are a fan of ambient textures, swirling guitars, and dreamy vocals, then this workshop is for you. Post-rock and shoegaze are known for their ability to transport listeners to otherworldly realms, creating a sonic experience that is both mesmerizing and immersive.
Kim Kupiainen – Soundcloud
Adam Al-Sawad – Soundcloud
A workshop for admirers of pixel art and hand craft! You may join with no knowledge about, or skills in either, and quit with a cross-stitched patch of your favorite retro character (or something else) made by your own hands! Craft supplies provided <3
Irina “irko” Kekman – LinkedIn

JamJam 1h Jam
Make a game in 1 hour! Use any tools you want and any platforms! No limitations, some themes will be generated randomly.
Henri Sarasvirta
Wellness session for gamers
Do you spend all your time working at a desk? Welcome to a wellness session, guided by a physiotherapist, specialized in health promotion for gamers. You will get tips and tricks for staying healthy while gaming or working, so you can keep doing what you love without risk of discomfort or injury.

Slow Jamming & Production Processes
A postmortem on 2022’s Greenlight Jam, a 5 week game jam with sprints and deliverables. What worked, what didn’t in running a 5 week game jam and how we can benefit from encouraging long form production practices in jamming communities
Tyler Coleman
From Jams to Gems: Rediscovering Our Most Memorable Game Jam Creations
Join us for a wild game jam journey! We’ll spin the roulette and share some of our most memorable creations and stories from past jams. Buckle up and rediscover the excitement of game jams past with us!
(Roulette concept performed originally by Petri Purho at JamJam2018)
Miikka Harjuntausta
Kiri Kälkäjä

Retro sounds with oscillators
Exploring the world of modular synthesizers from the view point retro sound effects and tunes.
Workshop will use free VCV Rack -program, an open source virtual modular synthesizer.
Julius Jämsen – Instagram
DJ Workshop
In this workshop you will learn the basics of DJing. Basic use of equipment and software and mixing songs of your choice.
Olli Raudus – LinkedIn

The “Finnish/International College Jam” Initiative
This is a group workshop hosted by multiple people involved in making Finnish College Jams happen. (Jani Gröhn, Olli Juhola, Eero Manner, Violeta Ivanova, and more.)
The FCJ / ICJ is a 5-day inter-school game jam event that replaces a normal school week. Four days of jamming, and then one final day to enjoy the games together, plus the afterparty stream!
We have now hosted 6 events with this format and are looking to make them bigger and better! Feel free to join in if you are curious to learn more, talk, ideate or maybe even join the action!
Jani Gröhn – Itch.io
Retro game jam learnings & planning
Workshop for planning next retro game jam and for people curious about how to make new games for old consoles.
Samuli Jääskeläinen – Twitter

Interactive light installation festival jam
Brainstorm session for game jam bringing together lighting artists and game developers.
Samuli Jääskeläinen – Twitter
Global Game Jam at Wartime: We’d never thought we’d be doing this
Ukraine became an aim of Russia’s unprovoked military aggression on 24th Feb 2022. By January 2023 the war had been going on for almost a year, and every day terroristic missile strikes were launched to destroy civil infrastructure to make the people of Ukraine freeze in winter. Our developers did no loose the spirit and kept on working and building connections with the free world via participation in the global events.