We are happy to announce the election of the new Board for the Finnish Game Jam organization! Meet and greet incubent and newly elected members who will share their passion towards games and jams organising future events:
Board members elected:
Jani Gröhn, President
Jenna Toivonen, Vice-President
Olli Juhola, Treasurer
Emil Ekroth, Secretary and FGJ25 Regional Organizer
Ren, Streaming and Vibing
Irina (Irko) Kekman, Public Relations
Riikka-Lotta Pehkonen
Joonas Luhtanen, Vice-Secretary
Deputy members elected:
Annakaisa Kultima
Pavla Oubret
Solip Park
Vesa Raudasoja
Teemu Kokkonen
Eddie Reyes
Henri Sarasvirta
Kuutti Paartola
Christopher Hamilton
Jade Walther
Björn Lindholm
Ville Kankainen
Ville Heiskanen
Elina Koskinen
We are endlessly grateful to the retiring members of the board for their service and look forward to partner with them in future endeavors!