Due to the recently publicised eSport issues at Assembly 2014, Finnish Game Jam ry has halted the organising process of the ASM FGJ 14 game jam, which was to be held at Assembly 2014. We are waiting for a response from the Assembly organisers and will re-evaluate our participation based on that. Finnish Game Jam ry would like to officially state that it will not be part of any event which will support, directly or indirectly, fully or partially, any racist or sexist practices.

Finnish Game Jam ry furthermore urges anyone embracing the values of game jams – equality, inclusivity and collaboration – to not take part in or support any gaming related events which will not allow participation regardless of gender, race or sexuality.

Finnish Game Jam ry
Annakaisa Kultima
Tatu Laine
Maiju Suutari
Kosti Rytkönen
Vesa Raudasoja
Kati Alha
Teemu Vilén

Gadget Jam

Want to create games for Oculus Rift, Kinect and latest gaming gadgets? Sign up now and join Gadget Jam!

Gadget Jam is a development event dedicated entirely to all kinds of electronic devices. During the weekend the participants will divide into teams and race against time to create a working application for a gadget of their own choosing.

We welcome both professionals and hobbyists alike. You don’t need to have a team or a development idea ready before the event, all you need is an interest in gadgets and an open mind!

Gadget Jam is part of Millennium GAME-JAM-LAN

Email: info@gadgetjam.org
Website: www.gadgetjam.org
Twitter: @GadgetJamOrg, #gadgetjam
Start: 2.5.2014 15:00 (UTC+03)
End: 4.5.2024 15:00 (UTC+03)
Location: Millennium pavilion, Kansalaistori, Helsinki (next to Musiikkitalo)

Global Game Jam 2014 / Finnish Game Jam 2014

We are preparing for the Global Game Jam 2014 event. At least 13 different locations in Finland will be taking part to a massive, truly global game development challenge where people all around the globe develop games within the same weekend – in less than 48 hours. For the Finnish Game Jam, 2014 will be the fifth year of participation and we are anticipating over 600 Finnish game developers, students and hobbyists to register. The FGJ2014 event is supported by Grand Cru and SITRA among numerous local sponsors and enablers.

Finnish Game Jam 2014
More information on Global Game Jam

Junior Game Jam

The first Junior Game Jam is organized on 18-20 of October 2013. Junior Game Jam is aimed at 13-17 year old people who are interested in game development. During the event, jammers create a game in small groups during one weekend. In addition to game making, the program includes workshops and visiting the Alternative Party. Signing up to the event has ended. Read more from here (only in Finnish).


The first Assembly game jam pilot project was a success: about 30 people jammed during the event, and 6 games were finished. Big thanks to all participants!

This was the first time that a game jam was arranged as part of the Assembly program, but it won’t be the last: plans are already in motion to take the pilot and make it into an annual tradition.

Download the games from Assembly news and check out some photos from here.

It’s official: We are a registered association!

Next year, Finnish Game Jam will be organized for the fifth time. During these years we have learned a lot, grown quite a bit, and realized that we have something special going on in here. We started from three cities with about 100 participants – in 2013 there was 12 locations and over 500 jammers. We have grown to be the largest game development event in Finland.

We have had committed volunteers making this possible, and it was time to take the step to create an official association around the event. Thus now Finnish Game Jam is not just the event. Finnish Game Jam ry is a registered association, whose main purpose is to coordinate and organize the Finnish Game Jam event and to support the game jamming activity in Finland.